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Our Policies

Quality Child Care

Hours of Operation


ABC KIDZ is open from 7:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.


“Your specific day(s) of care will be outlined in your contract and rate agreement. Any hours outside of these hours can be discussed at any time.

 We require two-weeks' notice if you need to change your enrollment hours. We also reserve the right to terminate if the new hours will not work well for our childcare business.”

 We offer both full-time, part-time and drop-in care (when permitted).

 We have a busy family schedule after 5:00 pm so we ask that you pick up your child promptly at the 5:00 pm pick up time.  Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Payment Policies

Payment is due each Monday whether your child is in attendance or not.  Payments can also be made every other Monday or monthly with payment being due on the 1st Monday of the month.  Please make arrangements regarding what payment schedule you would like to use.  Late payment fees will be enforced if we suspect abuse of the policies.  If payments are more than three days behind, your children may not be allowed to attend care.  If payment issues arise or payments cannot be made, please contact me so we can work something out.

Age Grouping and Size

ABC KIDZ provides childcare services for children up to 5 years old.

According to licensing the total number of children we can welcome into the daycare at any time will be 8 excluding my own children.

Security Deposit

 A two-week security deposit is due upon your child’s admission into childcare. The deposit will be credited towards your last two weeks.

Note that your rates may be higher when you leave than when you initially enrolled, so you may still owe an undetermined amount when you leave my services. The security deposit protects us from unexpected family departures from childcare or non-payment of fees.


Based on a calendar year we will take 2 weeks' vacation, 3 training days, 3 personal days and all Federal Holidays. You are welcome to plan your holidays around ours for sake of childcare ease. If you would like to take vacation that is different than ours, we ask that all parents provide 2 weeks' notice prior to the time you want to take off for vacation.  If you choose to take a vacation, you will only pay half price of tuition (full time students only). Payment of fees will hold your child’s space.

Our usual vacation times are roughly around the third week of May and the first week of October.

Payments are still due for these days.


Trial Period/Termination Policies

 The first two weeks of enrollment are probationary for everyone. During this period parents or caregiver may terminate the childcare agreement with 24 hours' notice. Fees for the full two weeks will be due from parent.

After this probationary period, either party may terminate the childcare agreement by giving two weeks written notice. If the two weeks written notice is not provided by the parent, fees for this time are still required. The Security Deposit (any fee increases will be payable) will be applied at this time.

We reserve the right to terminate this contract without notice in the event of (but not solely limited to): The parent fails to comply with the policies set forth in the policy handbook or childcare agreement, The parent is verbally abusive, threatening and/or disrespectful to the caregiver or other children, The parent or child is being destructive and/or violent, Our ability to meet the child’s needs without additional staff in the daycare or, in the case of delinquent fees. Your security deposit will be refunded (exception - delinquent fees).

Parent Participation/ Communication

Open communication with all families using our childcare services is very important to us. We welcome any questions, concerns or discussions of any kind. The way we see it, we are working together to ensure your child gets the best care possible. Daily reports of child’s activities, meals, temperament, rest schedule etc. will be posted in the Brightwheel app.  Sensitive issues will be discussed in private outside of regular childcare hours either by telephone, email, or meeting. Daily Schedules, program plans, meal plans, events, etc. will be posted on our bulletin board and on our website.

 Your phone calls are welcome at any time. We may be outside with the children or setting up an activity inside. If we do not answer the phone, please leave a message on our voicemail or send a text and we will call you back as soon as possible. The best time to call during the day is early morning before naptime.

Schedule and Programming

Infants, toddlers and young children do well with a structured schedule that still allows for flexibility. Our basic daily schedule outlines the core activities of any given day, play time, mealtime, nap time, outdoor activities etc.

Part of our goal for ABC KIDZ is to provide a safe, loving, active, home-style atmosphere that allows children the confidence and courage to learn, play, develop social skills, and have fun.

Activities are age appropriate and designed to enhance children in all areas of learning. Free play, walks, reading, singing, music, arts and crafts, outdoor play, educational TV/videos are just a few of the activities we will do. Special themes and programs will be planned and posted on our bulletin board and website. Programs will revolve around such things as the seasons, holidays, specific interests of children etc. We will celebrate holidays. If there are any holidays that are important to your family, please let us know and we will include them as well. 

Toys from Home

We provide a wide variety of books, games and toys. We ask that children and parents leave toys from home at home. This ensures that your child’s toys don’t get lost or broken. This also reduces any problems regarding sharing a special item.

If your child has a special blanket or stuffed animal that he or she likes to sleep with or uses for comforting reasons, then your child is welcome to bring his/her special item.

Toilet Training

While children are in diapers, parents are to provide disposable diapers and wipes.  When your child begins to use pull-ups, please provide the ones with Velcro sides.  Two- and early three-year-olds are taken to the bathroom at regular times but are never forced to do so. 

 We will not begin toilet training until parents have begun the process at home. When toilet training begins, be sure to send extra clothing!

Releasing Child from Care

The normal procedure for release of a child is to let them go with the parent or guardian. We will not release a child to anyone besides a parent or guardian unless we have been notified of a change. A verbal notice is fine on the day, if the person is on the list of people who are authorized to pick up your child. If the person is not on your list, we must have written permission to release your child.  If we do not know the person we will ask for photo identification. This procedure is done for your child’s protection. Please inform your emergency contacts and designated pick-up people so that they will not be surprised or offended.


We try to control the spread of illness by frequent hand-washing and daily toy disinfecting.  We ask for your help by keeping your child home when he/she is ill, not only for their health and comfort, but for that of other students as well.

We follow the CDC guidelines when allowing children to attend or requiring that they go home or be dismissed from the program.  Please keep your child home if he/she has a temperature 101° or has active symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, an undiagnosed rash, contagious disease, severe cold or cough or inflamed eyes. 

 A child cannot return until he/she has not had vomiting or diarrhea for 48 hours.  The child must also be fever-free (without the use of Tylenol, etc.) for 48 hours.


Prescription medication must be in the original container with the child’s name, directions for administering, date, physician’s name, prescription number, pharmacy name and list of possible side effects.  Over-the-counter medication must be in the original container with a note from the physician giving the medication name, dosage, and course of treatment. 

Parents will be asked to fill out a form with complete information and instructions for administering the medication.  The first dose of any medication should be given by parents at home with sufficient time to allow for a reaction.

If a child has received medical procedure – emergency or scheduled – a physician’s release is required for the child to return.  The release should state the child’s name, treatment received, date the child can return, and special instructions for care.

Snow and Winter Weather

In the event of severe winter weather that develops after hours, we will follow the decision of the Charles County Government and/ or School District. The decision to open or remain closed will be made by 6:00 a.m. A text will go out in the Brightwheel app to say whether we are open or closed and announced on Facebook and Instagram.

 If severe weather threatens to develop during the day, we will determine whether it is safe to remain open.  If the decision is made to close, parents will be notified to make arrangements to pick up their child as soon as possible.  

Common Courtesy

I am fortunate enough to be working from my home.  But please remember that this is my HOME. I ask few things from you:

If you need to use a bathroom, please flush and clean up behind yourself. Please do not park in or block the driveway. Do not block the mailbox. Please do not throw your trash in my yard or on the street. If your child brings a wet umbrella, please leave it at the door.

Substitute Staff

Arrangements for a responsible adult substitute have been made to come in case of an emergency. 


We will not and cannot discriminate against any child on the basis of sex, religion or national origin.



Waldorf, MD

©2021 by ABC KIDZ Early Learning, LLC.

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